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About The ASBCI


The Association of Suppliers to the British Clothing Industry (ASBCI) was formed in 1992, arising from the British Interlining Manufacturers Association. Since 1992, the ASBCI has grown from 20 members to over 100 including some of the most prestigious names within the clothing and textile industry, forming a huge pool of expertise.

The ASBCI is a unique association in that our members represent connections with and knowledge of all the key sectors of the industry.

From fibre manufacture to garment manufacture, retail and aftercare, ASBCI truly is a centre of technical and commercial excellence where companies at the forefront of the specific sectors can discuss, share, and develop practices, processes and initiatives that will benefit their organisations and the UK clothing supply chain as a whole.

ASBCI activities include technical seminars, conferences, webinars, publications and technical visits; as well as student member activities which includes competitions.

Technical support to members

With such a wealth of expertise in its membership, the Association is fortunate to have access to specialised knowledge and information that can influence situations and developments in the various sectors of our industry.

For example, the Association has early warning of potential problems and can offer possible solutions. The ASBCI is concerned with new technology, new ideas and new care labelling standards; and has an effective representation of members’ interests in the UK, European and International standards committees.

A range of technical handbooks have been published by the ASBCI Technical Committee, including: Apparel Size and Fit – A definitive guide, An Introduction to Colour in Clothing and Textiles, Caring For Your Clothes, Tried and Tested, Colour Clues, Wrinkle Free, Joining Forces (buttons, zips, poppers etc), Make or Break (threads, needles and stitches) and the ASBCI Book of Interlinings.

Dr Julie King, ASBCI Chair

The ASBCI, its staff, directors and members have been a part of my life for almost 30 years, ever since I was working at Nottingham Trent University in the mid-1990s. At the time, Len Rose was Chair, and I was a young thing sent to find out more about the association by my boss. I am so grateful that he did.

Over the years, the wealth of knowledge I have gained from ASBCI conferences, seminars, publications and the members themselves has enabled me to stay at the forefront of so many aspects of the clothing and textiles industry. I cannot encourage people enough to get involved, find out more, attend an event, or use the ASBCI as a networking and information resource to further their career. The links you make will undoubtedly be invaluable.

    Industry conferences

    The Association organises a series of specialist conferences and seminars throughout the year on various key subjects where delegates can be ensured of a full programme of dedicated presentations and papers on the headline subject.

    These have proved immensely popular and valuable events for the industry by helping members and guests to stay up to date and address key common concerns. Attendance is not restricted to ASBCI members.

    How to join the ASBCI

    To find out more about membership options with a view to joining, please either call us on 01422 354666 or click here.